PRUPanel Connect Terms & Conditions


  1. Appointment Bookings

  2. 1.1
    Facilitation of appointment bookings at participating PRUPanel Connect Hospitals and specialists is not to be construed as admissibility of a claim, if any. Claims will be subject to an assessment as per the terms and conditions of the PRUShield policy contract.
    Appointments made through our PRUCustomer hotline or online bookings via Prudential website to see a PRUPanel Connect specialist at a Restructured Hospital can only be booked as a private patient and the customer will not be eligible for any subsidised treatment even if they have a referral from a government polyclinic.
    Facilitation of appointment bookings is on a best effort basis. If your selected specialist is unavailable, an appointment may only be possible with an alternative specialist in the same specialty. You have the option to choose an alternative specialist or the hospital may propose an alternative specialist from the same specialty whom you may choose to accept or decline.
    Only selected specialists participate in the PRUPanel Connect Programme. Employment of a specialist at a participating partner hospital does not automatically include the specialist as part of our PRUPanel Connect Programme.
    We confirm that the PRUPanel Connect Hospitals and/or their specialists’ participation on this website is not in any way offered, promised or made as an incentive or reward for any past, present or future willingness to prescribe, pay for, reimburse, authorise, approve, supply or use any products or services sold or provided by Prudential, or to obtain or retain business, or to gain any other business advantage for Prudential. There is no preferential/special treatment and/or adjustment to the standard rates/rates set by Prudential from time to time hereunder due to the presence of or absence of any recommendations of Prudential’s products to the PRUPanel Connect Hospitals’ patients by the PRUPanel Connect Hospitals and/or their specialists.

  3. Cashless Benefit

  4. 2.1
    If your policy is a CoPay policy, you will need to bear the co-payment portion of your bill while the balance will be cashless.
    Prudential’s PRUPanel Connect Partner Hospitals (Raffles Hospital or Mt. Alvernia Hospital) enhanced Letter of Guarantee (eLOG) have limits up to S$30,000 and S$15,000 for PRUPanel Connect Partner Day Surgery Centres. For more information on eLOG and eligibility, you may refer to
    To enjoy PRUPanel Connect benefits, PRUShield claims for eligible PRUShield policyholders must be e-filed from participating PRUPanel Connect healthcare institutions. The list of partner healthcare institutions can be found at
    The list of participating PRUPanel Connect Hospitals and specialists are subject to change. You may refer to for the updated list.
    Cashless pre and post hospitalization benefits are only available at Raffles Hospital and applicable for policyholders who are entitled to eLOG facility under the PRUPanel Connect programme.
    Pre-hospitalisation cashless benefits at Raffles Hospital are available only if the policyholder is admitted for day surgery or as an inpatient within the next 14 calendar days after the initial appointment with the selected specialist. Cost for consultations/ procedures done in clinic without subsequent day surgery or inpatient treatments will need to be borne by the policyholder.
    Post-hospitalization cashless benefits at Raffles Hospital apply to dressings, consultations, physiotherapy performed at a PRUPanel Connect Hospital or Specialist clinic and diagnostic and laboratory tests services and medicines consumed within 365 days following the discharge from hospital or day surgery for the same Injury or illness as the hospitalisation claim.

  5. Concierge Service

  6. 3.1
    The on-site concierge desk at Mount Alvernia Hospital is located at Level 1, Patient Liaison Centre and the concierge desk at Raffles Hospital is located at Level 8, Room 828. The concierge opening hours are from Mondays to Fridays: 9am to 5.30pm. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays.
    During hospital admission at Raffles Hospital or Mount Alvernia Hospital, eligible PRUPanel Connect policyholders will need to fill in a consent form and opt for either a GrabGift voucher or a hospital parking coupon.
    Discount vouchers issued by Raffles Hospital and Mount Alvernia Hospital are subject to the terms and conditions set out by the individual hospitals and Prudential bears no responsibility for services associated with the discount vouchers issued by the respective hospitals.

  7. Hospital parking coupon

  8. 4.1
    The hospital parking coupon is complimentary and is a PRUPanel Connect benefit; applicable for in-patient or day surgery cases at Raffles Hospital and Mount Alvernia Hospital. This is only applicable for eligible PRUPanel Connect policyholders who has opt for “Hospital Carpark Coupon” during the hospital/day surgery admission as indicated in the Consent Form.
    This benefit does not apply to outpatient specialist visits.
    This benefit does not apply for, pregnancy and childbirth related hospitalisations, except for day surgery or inpatient admission due to complications covered under the PRUShield “Pregnancy Complications benefit”.
    Eligible PRUPanel Connect policyholders may opt only for either a single-use complimentary GrabGift voucher OR a hospital parking coupon per hospitalisation.
    The hospital parking coupon can only be collected in person at Raffles Hospital or Mt. Alvernia Hospital PRUConcierge office during operating hours (Mon - Fri, 9am - 5.30pm).
    Complimentary Hospital parking coupon is valid for a single exit, within 24 hours from the time of entry. Carpark charges in excess of the 24 hours will have to be borne by the policyholder.
    There will be no reissuance due to loss of universal Grab vouchers/ hospital parking coupons.

  9. GrabGifts

  10. 5.1
    Effective from 01 March 2023, the complimentary S$15 transport voucher will be converted to GrabGifts as part of our value-added service for eligible PRUExtra Premier, PRUExtra Premier CoPay and PRUExtra Preferred CoPay policyholders.
    GrabGifts are one-stop vouchers that can be used on Transport, Food, Mart, or Express on Grab mobile app.
    Eligible PRUPanel Connect policyholders can now receive a single-use S$15 GrabGifts voucher via their email after discharge and upon being verified by phone call from our PRUConcierge team.
    PRUConcierge team will contact eligible policyholders on the day of discharge or the next working day to confirm their email address before sending the voucher link/code.
    The GrabGift voucher is complimentary and is a PRUPanel Connect benefit; applicable for in-patient or day surgery cases at Raffles Hospital, Mount Alvernia Hospital and our partner private day surgery centres. This is only applicable for eligible PRUPanel Connect policyholders who opt for “GrabGifts voucher” during the hospital/day surgery admission.
    This benefit does not apply to outpatient specialist visits.
    This benefit does not apply for, pregnancy and childbirth related hospitalisations, except for day surgery or inpatient admission due to complications covered under the PRUShield “Pregnancy Complications benefit”.
    The GrabGift voucher link/code will be sent via Email from PRUPanel Connect Mailbox and the Expiry date of the GrabGift voucher will be stated in the email.
    There will be no reissuance after the Expiry date.
    There are two ways to redeem the GrabGift voucher from Grab mobile app. An updated version of the Grab App needs to be installed on the mobile device first.
    Option 1 via the GrabGift voucher link:
    Step 1:
    Click ‘Pick Your Gift’ then proceed with saving the voucher.
    Step 2:
    Choose from a range of Grab services (Transport, Food, Mart, or Express on Grab).
    Step 3:
    GrabGifts vouchers will be stored in My Rewards.
    Option 2 via the GrabGift voucher code:
    Step 1:
    Open the Grab App, then choose ‘Gifts’.
    Step 2:
    Click on the Gift Icon at the upper right corner.
    Step 3:
    Key-in your Gift Code.
    Clicking on the GrabGift Link without the Grab app installed to the mobile phone will direct to Grab mobile app in Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
    GrabGift links/code cannot be redeemed via desktop computer or any website.
    Once redemption is completed and is saved to “My Rewards”, policyholders cannot change their choice of reward.

  11. Pre-Authorisation

  12. 6.1
    Completion of the Pre-authorisation request form and patient's consent are mandatory.
    Pre-authorisation service is available for admissions to private hospitals, day surgery centres and clinics for non-emergency hospitalisation or day surgery only.
    No pre-authorisation request is needed for emergency cases.
    *If you qualify for the eLOG (electronic letter of guarantee) from the Healthcare Institution, no pre-authorisation request is required.
    If you have a request for pre-authorisation for admission into a government restructured hospital, please ensure that you approach the Patient Liaison Centre of the hospital. For further assistance, you may e-mail
    Pre-authorisation is not available for outpatient medical treatments and overseas admissions.
    The facilitation of Pre-authorisation request to Prudential should be initiated by the policyholder via PRUaccess.
    The approval of Pre-authorisation request is subject to Prudential’s assessment and based on terms and conditions of the prevailing policy document.
    Pre-authorisation is mandatory for hospitalisations under Extended Panel (EP) benefits, at all MediShield Life-accredited treatment centres (i.e. with eFiling facility).
    Adherence to fee schedules and benchmarks in accordance with PACS's approval is mandatory for Pre-authorisation.
    If the approved amount and/ or medical information in the pre-authorisation deviate in the actual claim, the pre-authorisation approval would be deemed invalid.
    Please note that the acceptance of this Pre-authorisation Certificate is the prerogative of the treating Healthcare Institution.
    Pre-authorisation does not supersede any prevailing contractual provisions, for E.g., pro-ration factor, deductible and/or co-insurance, or any applicable benefit limits.
    Expenses not covered in the pre-authorisation approval are the responsibility of the life assured/policyholder.
    Pre-authorisation approval shall not be construed as waiver of deposit and/or upfront payment, which may be requested by the individual Health Institution based on their standard operating process.
    Pre-authorisation requests should be submitted to Prudential at least five (5) working days but no more than six (6) weeks prior to the planned admission/ day surgery.
    The turnaround time for Pre-authorisation decision is three (3) working days from the date of receipt of all required and mandatory information.

    *PRUShield (foreigner) policy is not applicable for eLOG.

  13. General

  14. 7.1
    Prudential may at any time at its absolute discretion, without prior notice, vary, supplement, amend, modify any of these terms and conditions.
    Failure by Prudential to exercise any of its rights or remedies under these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy.
    These terms and conditions shall be governed by Singapore law.